• Are There Any Lenders That Will Lend With An Absent Management Company.

    By Guest on 07th Sep 2023

    Hello, we’ve been told that our lender (Halifax) won’t lend due to there being an absent management company for the external communal area. (They have agreed an Indemnity policy is okay for the absent landlord)

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 14/09/2023

    It will depend on the specific circumstances, such as the extent and condition of the common areas, whether there are issues regarding missing service charge funds, whether the building is high rise etc, and how the issue is reported to the lender. Ultimately if no one is looking after the common areas then depending on the nature of them they could fall into disrepair, which would affect the values of the properties in the development. Are you able to provide a little more detail?

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