• Seller Delaying Signing After Sell Agreed

    By Guest on 20th Mar 2017

    Hi, Is there any legal help for a buyer where the seller is refusing to sign in/delaying the signing in. It has been more than five moths since we went sale agreed. next months my mortgage approval will expire, house price has gone up. I dont know what to do.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 21/03/2017

    I'm afraid there is nothing you can do. Neither you or the seller are legally bound to proceed until contracts are exchanged so you can't force the seller to move any quicker. All you can do is give an ultimatum - exchange by X date or you will withdraw, but I wouldn't recommend making the threat if you don't intend to carry it out as if the deadline you set passes and you don't pull out you'll lose credibility.

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