• Need Advice On Restriction On A Title Deed

    By Guest on 29th Jan 2017

    Need advice.
    I have an agreed restriction
    On some else title deed.
    What I need to now .
    Can he sale is property,
    With my restriction on is title deed ?
    Restriction. 13.10.2015.
    No disposition of the registered estate by the propriter of the registered estate.or by the propriter of any registered charge,not being a charge registered before the entry of this Restriction is to be registered with out a certificate signead by me,until the provision of an agreement dated 30 September 2015 made between me and Mr .
    Have been complied.
    My e mail address is
    [email protected].
    I would be verry grateful for your answer. Thank you
    Mr Enzo camera

  • 4 Answers

    By Guest on 30/01/2017

    I'm assuming the provisions of the 2015 agreement referred to have been satisfied and there's no dispute about that? If so then a sale cannot be registered at Land Registry without the certificate (and a sensible purchaser would not therefore proceed without your certificate of compliance). Depending on the terms of the agreement of course the owner might be able to compel you to provide a certificate. If the owner is planning to sell and you are not happy for the property to be sold you should get legal advice

  • By Guest on 30/01/2017

    Thank you for your repley. The agrement as being broken .the owner off the prooerty as put an application in for to build a bigger house on.the piece off land where do i stand .
    Thank you .

  • By Guest on 30/01/2017

    Thank you for your repley. The agrement as being broken .the owner off the property as put an application in for to build a bigger house on.the piece off land where do i stand .
    Thank you .

  • By Guest on 31/01/2017

    You really need to get proper legal advice. You might be able to sue for breach of contract but if you don't have any legal training you shouldn't try to handle this yourself.

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