• Unregistered Land Ownership Dilemma

    By Guest on 05th Jan 2017

    What happens if the owner of an unregistered property gives one of his children the original purchase papers from the Marquis before he dies and that child had no idea of what they had been given until now many yrs later and another sibling has possession of the property. Can those in possession be the true owners if they do not have the paperwork to register it and it was given away before death obviously without time for the Will to be changed.

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 05/01/2017

    The property/land will go to the beneficiary in the deceased's Will; regardless of who is holding the unregistered title deeds. If no Will was left by the deceased then the rules of intestacy will apply.

  • By Guest on 01/03/2017

    Just to add to the above, the other sibling may have acquired title via adverse possession if he/she has been in actual occupation for at least 12 years

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