• Title Plan Update

    By Guest on 04th Feb 2019

    We are selling our house and the buyers solicitors spotted a slight difference in title plan and transfer plan , when we brought this house our solicitor never spotted this either. This has gone to the land r and they have said they propose to update title plan as they have looked at the evidence and see that our transfer plan is how it should be but the title plan hasn’t got this trangle on it which is the part we would drive over to park opposite our double garage. Now the problem is it is on our neighbours title plan but if you see the drive as we do have a shared drive to get up to ours, the land r have served notice on him and lender, wondered what is in this letter and what happens if he objects as we will presueing no matter what as we need this rectifying .

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 05/02/2019

    Ask HMLR for a copy of their letter.


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