• Submitting A Form B To Land Registry

    By Guest on 29th Jul 2019

    My father has recently passed away. My mother is still living in the house they owned jointly. My parents will states that when one of them passed away that the other would have 50% of the house whilst the other 50% was put into trust under my, my brother and sisters name in order that in the event of the sole remaining spouse were to have to live in a care home, the fees could only be taken from 50% of the value of the house. I am informed that we may need to complete a Form B and register this the the Land Registry. I would be grateful for advice on how this can be done.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 30/07/2019

    I have never heard of a Form B, unless you are referring to a Form B Restriction, which is not in itself a form but is a category of restriction: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/private-trusts-of-land/practice-guide-24-private-trusts-of-land#the-standard-form-restrictions

    If so, you will need Form RX1 and a fee of £20 paid to HM Land Registry.


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