• Restriction Of Transfer Of Proprietorship

    By Guest on 17th Jun 2019

    Purchased a house freehold with a mortgage in 2001 from a mother and son, just come to sell it 18 years later and find out there is a restriction on the land registry in favour of the mother and Barclays, we assume any loans will have been repaid on completion as the Barclays name has been removed however the mothers name is still there, I think the mother has possibly past away and we have no contact information for the son which only leaves the daughter who we do know but she's not someone you want to have a hold over you for anything.
    Can the restriction on me selling the land/property without the mother agreement still be a legal requirement, what happens I she's a live and refuses or the executors make big financial demands its a big house now with 18 years of money love and hard work gone into it.

  • 4 Answers

    By Guest on 17/06/2019

    What does the restriction say? Without knowing its wording or what it is for, it is difficult to advise.


  • By Guest on 17/06/2019

    Except under an order of the registrar no disposition by the proprietor of the land is to be registered without the consent of Mrs .......... .......... of 19 Green Lane, London

  • By Guest on 17/06/2019

    Except under an order of the registrar no disposition by the proprietor of the land is to be registered without the consent of Mrs .......... .......... of 19 Green Lane, London

  • By Guest on 17/06/2019

    Why do I keep getting notification of a reply when there is no reply

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