• Property Boundary Change Over Time

    By Guest on 03rd Jul 2016

    My parents are selling their house after 30 years. One of the boundary lines has moved around 1-2 foot more than 12 years ago and does not reflect the boundary in the land registry or deeds. There is no neighbour dispute. Will this create an issue with the sale of the house and how can it be remediated?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 04/07/2016

    I'm assuming that the boundary has moved outward, so that your parents are now occupying land they don't own. If that's the case then while a claim for possessory title may be possible it is not straightforward particularly if the neighbours land is registered with the land registry. Your parents could speak to the neighbours and see if they are prepared to transfer the extra land to them (not practical if the neighbours have a mortgage though) or of course they could simply move the fence. There is also a possibility of putting indemnity insurance in place. Your parents shouldn't do anything however, including discussing it with the neighbours, until they have spoken to their solicitor as this may damage an adverse possession claim and/or prevent them from getting indemnity insurance.

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