• If Three Names Are Named Under The "title Absolute" With No Specific Percentage Stated In Each Persons Share, Do All Named Have An Equal Share?

    By Guest on 06th Mar 2017

    If three names are named under the "title absolute" with no specific percentage stated in each persons share, do all named have an equal share?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 06/03/2017

    If the three own as "joint tenants" then yes. If they are "tenants in common" then you need to look to the transfer deed from when they purchased. If they are tenants in common there will be a restriction in the proprietorship register which reads as follows "No disposition by a sole proprietor of the registered estate (except a trust corporation) under which capital money arises is to be registered unless authorised by an order of the court"

    If this restriction appears then check section 10 of the TR1. You can order a copy of the TR1 from http://land-registry-documents.co.uk/order-documents - you would need to choose the "Conveyance/Transfer/Other" option and have the date of the transfer.

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