• Dismissal Of Bankruptcy With The Land Registry

    By Guest on 02nd Aug 2016

    In 1997 I was issued with a court summons for non payment of VAT however prior to the court hearing and after a meeting with the local VAT office it was decided that no money was to be paid or owed. After the court hearing date I was sent a letter from the court containing the Dismissal of Bankruptcy Petition stating that the petition be dismissed.I also received from the land registry a form B10 informing me that a Notification of the registration of a creditors name had been entered onto the registration of my property. I am ow in the process of re-mortgaging however this cannot proceed until the creditors notice has been removed at the land registry office. Could you please advise as to which land registry form/s I will need to complete and the process involved to resolve this matter.

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