• Covenants And Abstracts

    By Guest on 28th Aug 2015

    Does an abstract from deed of variation (to a restrictive covenant) need to be signed by a solicitor to be considered legitimate and is a signature simply enough without evidence as to who that person signing actually is? Basically, my neighbour has produced what he purports to be an abstract to Deed of Variation from 1960, modifying a covenant created by the original landowners of our property and the surrounding land in 1906. I have extensive records (original deeds etc) from every transaction on this property since 1906 and nowhere has there been a mention of his deed of variation. I just don't believe it's real. It doesn't appear to be signed in any official capacity, yet it has been entered into my neighbour's property registration record at land registry. I want this removed.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 01/09/2015

    If the Land Registry have accepted the deed then they must have been satisfied that it was genuine and on the face of it you don't have any grounds to ask for it to be removed. Your only option would seem to be to look into whether the person signing the deed to release the covenant actually had the right to release it. That is a difficult task and you will need the help of a solicitor.

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