• Coach House Garages

    By Guest on 14th Apr 2019

    Hello, I have recently bought a terraced house from the local council. The design is quite strange there is a ground floor entrance on one side of the house and on the other side there is two garages and our front room sits on top of these. One garage also has an internal door into our house. There is no mention of the garages in the deeds but the red outline of the map seems to include them as they are directly under our house, the house is freehold. The council have said the garage with the internal door is ours but the other garage is owned by them m, does this sound possible? And does this mean I should have coach house insurance and insure both garages even though I apparently only own one of them?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 15/04/2019

    The guide here provides a useful summary: https://www.coverbuilder.co.uk/what-is-a-coach-house

    In summary, yes it is possible, and yes you would normally (as freeholder) insure the entire building. I presume one of the garages is leased to the council (check your title deeds) and if that is the case check the lease to see if they are required to reimburse any share of the insurance premium.


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