• Claiming A Disused Public Disabled Toilet

    By Guest on 27th Jul 2019

    A disused public toilet which council have no knowledge of and which is not registered with land registry. How can I claim it

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 28/07/2019

    If you believe it belongs to the council, the right thing to do would be to contact them and offer to purchase it.

    As it is a non-residential building it is not illegal to squat in it, providing you do not cause damage or commit other crimes. So you could try to live there for 10 years and then claim ownership by adverse possession, but living in a disused public toilet may not be ideal.

    If it adjoins your existing property and you believe it may have been intended to have been transferred to you years ago but was not, then you could commence using it and after 10 years claim ownership under the doctrine of lost title deeds.


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