• Change T Mark On Title Plans

    By Guest on 30th Apr 2019

    Ourselves and our neighbours are in agreement that we would like to change who is responsible for the boundary of our property. As it stands both title deeds state that our neighbour has responsibility, but we would like to change the direction of the T mark so that we have responsibility. (The boundary is a huge retaining wall, up to which we would like to build an extension). They cant see the wall itself from their property and do not want responsibility for it. We want to change the register so that if either party sold the property it would still legally be our responsibility and there would be no problems for either party. Would a boundary agreement suffice or should we do something extra?

  • 1 Answers

    By NotaryExpress on 01/05/2019

    Boundary agreement should suffice; make sure you register it with HM Land Registry so it's recorded on the deeds.


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