• Absolute Title - Shared Ownership

    By Guest on 08th May 2019

    Hi, I bought a property in 2006, a 50% share with a housing association. Looking at the HM Land Registry I am deemed to be holding 'Title Absolute'. Why is this? I would expect that the Housing Association would also have the same title? Also, what does this mean for me if I wished to sell, is this a mistake/loophole on the part of the Housing Association?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 09/05/2019

    The Housing Association likely owns the freehold, presumably with Title Absolute.

    You own the leasehold, with Title Absolute.

    This does not describe who the owner is, just whether HM Land Registry is certain of the ownership. There is plenty of guidance on this online e.g.: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/absolute-title.asp


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