• Unknown Transfer

    By Guest on 22nd Nov 2016

    my son arranged two transfers of my property - firstly into our joint names after my husband died as he said I would get a better mortgage deal and then into his sole name. I didn't know what he had done on the second transfer and again he told me it was a remortgage. When I signed the documents he covered text with a piece of paper. Both of these transfers were done after my husband and mother had died. He is threatening to sell the house. The mortgage is in his name but I pay it. I have paid for all repairs to house.
    Do I write to Land Registry to try and have it transferred back into my name?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 22/11/2016

    If you actually signed the transfer deeds then even though you were convinced to do so under false pretences there is nothing Land Registry can do. You should contact the police and a solicitor immediately

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