• Transfer Of Title Deeds

    By Guest on 15th Aug 2016

    I paid £74000 into a flat my sister was selling and has been trying to sell it for about 5 years.it paid the morgage off. Ive been staying in the flat for aprox 8 months now. She has signed the disposition in front of a lawyer to transfer it over to me. Since it was signed on the 14th of june i am still waiting for it to go back to the lawyer so that she can send it to the land registry of scotland. I think she is going to try and pull out off this. Can she do this and would i need to take her to court to get my money back if she trys to put me out the flat. Can you help me please.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 17/08/2016


    Thanks for your question but this site only deals with the law of England & Wales, Scotland has its own laws.

    Good luck

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