• Giving Or Selling My Share Of Property To My Daughter

    By Guest on 21st Jul 2017

    my daughter and I own a property together and she now wishes to rent this out to private tenants. I have no interest in doing this and would not want to be part of rental income, so I have decided that I would like to either sell my share to my daughter or purely relinquish the property to her. my proportion of the property is 20% and worth approx. 25000 . We have been told that we need to do this through a solicitor and that we have to have a valuation done on the house. After reading about the DIY guide I am wondering if we need to go through solicitors and hefty fees? would welcome your comment

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 23/07/2017


    Is there a mortgage on the property? If so then you will need to instruct a solicitor as the lender will insist on this. Otherwise our kit may assist. You will however need to review the latest stamp duty rules.


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