• Following Separation, Can I Sever My Ownership Of A Joint Tenancy In Favour Of My Husband If He Agrees To Return Ownership Following His Death?

    By Guest on 09th Oct 2019

    I am 55, renting and cannot afford to buy another property. I would like to put down roots in help to buy property but can not whilst already having an interest in a property. My husband is a state pensioner and refuses to leave our home or sell it
    Neither of us can afford to buy the other out and given his situation I dont wish to force him. Would it be legal if, in return for removing my name from the deeds, I insisted on a written agreement that the property be returned to me upon his death. Neither of us are considering divorce.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 10/10/2019

    You can do so but it would not be legally binding. The easiest option would be to transfer your interest to your husband so he owns 100% and he puts in his will that he leaves 100% to you. Beware though there would be nothing to stop him from later changing his will or evicting you resulting in you losing the property.


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