• No Completion Certificate And Invalidated Indemnity Policy. Any Other Options To Allow Sale To Go Through If Council Won't Regulate?

    By Guest on 03rd Nov 2016

    My solicitor was unaware that we had an indemnity policy and contacted the Council in respect of a 2000 kitchen extension and first floor bathroom extension, thereby invalidating the insurance. The council is coming round to check the works and to issue a certificate if appropriate. The extension did have planning permission but no building completion certificate. We are close to exchange on our house sale. If the Council want remedial works done which would affect our sale, I am aware they cannot enforce it due to the time lapse but they can refuse to offer the certificate. Do I have any other options bar remedial works to satisfy the purchaser's solicitor?

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 07/11/2016

    I'm afraid I don't think you do have any other options. Also, it is not entirely correct to say the council can't take enforcement action - they cannot serve an enforcement notice but they can apply to the Court for an injunction to prevent the use of the affected part(s) of the property until remedial works or done, though in reality this power is rarely (if ever) used

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