• Freeholder With 1st Floor Roof Terrace

    By Guest on 29th Nov 2016

    I am one of x3 Freeholders in a x3 flat converted house. My former Ground Floor neighbour had permission to build an extension and included in it was a roof terrace for me above his new, extended space. I was to pay my fellow freeholder a fee in perpetuity for the use of the space. Haringey Council informed him not include my application and only his would be considered. This was approved in 2007. He sold the property 3 years ago and I asked the new neighbours if they were for & against submitting a new planning application to for approval to use the existing space above them for a roof terrace. They were fine about it, I did and it was approved earlier this year. However, I want to honour the commitment to paying them for the space. I have been told to this within the context of being freeholders and not just neighbours. Can someone advise me on what my next steps should be? What legally do I need to do before transferring any monies to them? All input would be gratefully received. Thanks.

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