• Removal Of Internal Stud Walls Without Consent

    By Guest on 15th May 2016

    I am in process of selling my flat. The buyers solicitor has requested written confirmation that no consent was required. The walls formed part of 2 storage cupboards and were stud walls and not load bearing. If I suggest to purchase legal indemnity insurance. Will this protect the buyers from financial loss in the future. I haven't notified the local authority as I am concerned that I might have to get retrospective consent and that could cost me in money and time and the buyers could decide to pull out. Can you please give me your professional opinion.

    Many thanks

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 31/05/2016

    If the wall was not load bearing, and a builder or surveyor should be able to easily assess this, then building regulations approval would not have been required and there is nothing to insure in that respect. The lease may however say that you should get the consent of your landlord to any alterations (structural or otherwise). If it does and you didn't then you may need to offer indemnity insurance in that respect

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