• I Want To Sell My House

    By Guest on 09th Jan 2015

    I have no installation certificate for replacement of double glazing

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 12/01/2015

    This is not usually a major problem. If a certificate was issued originally a duplicate can be obtained from FENSA at a cost of £12, just go on their website. If it wasn't then provided the installation was done at least 12 months ago a buyer will usually accept indemnity insurance which might cost around £50 for a property of average value. Otherwise the windows will need to be inspected and signed off by the council's building control department but beware, if the council's inspector finds that they do not comply with building regs you will have to put it right at your expense (of course you might be able to recover your loss from the installer but there's no guarantee) and once building control are alerted, whether or not they actually inspect, you can't get indemnity insurance.

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