• Absence Of Easement Insurance/Maisonette And Contigent Liability Insurance

    By Guest on 22nd Feb 2017

    The sale of my mother's property has collapsed because the buyers' lenders wanted me to reword the lease as they queried access to the property. I refused to do so because it hasn't been an issue in the past and wasn't an issue for my parents when they bought the flat. I have been advised to take out Absence of Easement Insurance to guard against further problems and Maisonette and Conginent Liability Insurance, which apparently comes with the property (though I can find no clue as to whether this insurance is already in place; my solicitor told me rather than asking my parents' solicitors who helped them to buy the property back in 1998 dig in their archives, it might be cheaper to buy another policy). I understand the policies are fairly reasonable, so I wonder if you can suggest any companies? Many thanks

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 23/02/2017

    The cover will need to be arranged by your solicitor as the insurance companies are only allowed to deal with qualified lawyers in respect of these policies, so ask your solicitor to find an insurer

  • By Guest on 23/02/2017

    Thank you for your reply. That is very helpful! :)

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