• Parking Permit By Separate Arrangement

    By Guest on 21st Jun 2016

    I am contemplating buying 40% share to buy flat. The current owner subsequently paid £10,000 for the right to park. This was formalised by way of permit and not a variation of the apartment lease. The permit is granted for the duration of the lease. The vendor is requesting £10,000 for this separately. The housing association appear not to want to get involved. How do I protect my investment when I come to sell. Will all potential buyers have to find this additional sum on top of their deposit. Who is the best person to formalise this matter. The freeholder or housing association. Should the permit be surrendered back to the freeholder and then reissued. Overall who is selling what ? Thanks Bob

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 26/06/2016

    It is difficult to say without all of the facts but if seller has only a "permit" then this is probably a licence rather than a lease or legal easement. A licence is personal and cannot be transferred therefore the seller would have to surrender it for it then to be re-issued.

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