• Indemnity Insurance Cost Effective?

    By Guest on 21st Jun 2016

    We are currently selling our property and we have added garage and conservatory in last 15 years to property, but when reading our lease for which we pay ground rent twice yearly we realise we should have requested leaseholder permission which we did not. We believe our options are apply retrospectively at a cost, buy the freehold not really cost effective or is findemnity insurance an option? If it is approx how much would it cost? We have 3 bed semi and selling for £178k.

  • 1 Answers

    By Guest on 26/06/2016

    You would need to ask your solicitor to request a quote for indemnity insurance. This will probably cost around £100 - £150 plus any arrangement fee your lawyer charges. This is usually the preferred option for you as a seller because asking for consent can cause delay and there is always the chance the landlord will refuse.

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