• Can The Maximum Ownership Of A Shared Ownership Lease Be Restricted To 75%?

    By Guest on 04th Oct 2016

    I want to sell my shared ownership flat. I was going to staircase to 100% before selling but the housing association, after agreeing to let me staircase to 100% and sell, have now said that the lease only allows a maximum ownership of 75%. Are they allowed to restrict this and is there any way of changing the lease to allow me to staircase to the full 100%?

  • 2 Answers

    By Guest on 04/10/2016

    If that's what the lease says then yes they can. This should have been explained to you by your solicitor when you purchased. Thereis no obligation on the landlord to vary the lease to allow 100% ownership

  • By Guest on 04/10/2016

    Thank you for this. Much appreciated!

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